Discover the Learning Generation Initiative

The Learning Generation Initiative (LGI), formerly the Education Commission, is a global initiative encouraging greater progress on Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education—ensuring inclusive and quality education and promoting lifelong learning for all.

The Commission’s groundbreaking Learning Generation report in 2016 put forward an action plan to deliver and finance an expansion of educational opportunity for the more than 260 million children and youth who are not in school. The report highlights an urgent and ever-worsening learning crisis that, if left unaddressed, will leave half of the world’s 1.6 billion children and youth out of school or failing to learn by 2030. Since the report’s launch, the Commission has been working with others to implement the recommendations from the report, with a focus on transforming learning, the education workforce, delivery, cross-sectoral collaboration, and financing.
On July 1, 2023, the Education Commission closed, and its team, agenda, and projects transitioned to become the Learning Generation Initiative (LGI), which is hosted by Education Development Center (EDC) and was led by the Commission’s former executive director Dr. Liesbet Steer. LGI will continue to take forward the Commission’s bold agenda to transform education systems so that all children can be in school and learning within a generation. EDC has worked on large scale implementation and system strengthening across the education, youth and health sectors in 80 countries and 50 US states. This gives LGI a unique opportunity to learn from, draw on and contribute to EDC’s rich technical and implementation experience.
Read the Learning Generation Initiative strategy to learn more about our vision, mission and future plans.


70% of children in low- and middle-income countries cannot read or understand a simple text with comprehension by age 10.

– World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, FCDO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2022

defining our purpose

Our Vision

All children and youth are in school and learning the skills they need to be successful in work and life.

Our Mission

To empower the people within and connected to education systems to enable all children to be learning within a generation.

To achieve our vision and mission, we implement a threefold interactive and iterative approach to change:


Conduct pragmatic and independent research and analysis to understand barriers to progress and what works, translate it for policymakers, and create tools and knowledge products.


Working alongside governments and national partners, we hold policy dialogues, co-design, test, and evaluate innovative solutions, develop action plans and link them to opportunities for implementation and scale.


With the support of champions, we raise the profile of key issues and evidence-based solutions, engage in global fora and collaborate and convene to drive collective action.