Research & Resources

The Learning Generation Report presents an action plan to deliver and finance an expansion of educational opportunity for more than 260 million children and youth who are not in school today.

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Education Workforce

Learning Teams to Support Children’s Learning and Wellbeing

This report explores how learning teams can improve education systems by fostering collaboration among educators, communities, and other sectors. Through four case studies from Nepal and Kenya, the report examines the origins, practices, and impact of these teams. The research offers insights into how learning teams can enhance student outcomes, teacher well-being, and governance, while informing future education reform efforts.
Education Workforce

Learning Teams for Foundational Learning

Learning team approaches aim for groups of education professionals that collaborate at every level—classroom, school, district, and central—to ensure learning for all. This note aims to set the agenda for further research on learning team approaches by defining what they are, briefly synthesizing the evidence for them, and providing a few examples of how they have been harnessed to improve foundational learning.
Education Workforce

Education Workforce Initiative Overview

The Education Workforce Initiative (EWI) is part of the Learning Generation Initiative (LGI), whose mission is to empower the people within and connected to education systems to enable all children to be learning within a generation. This 2-pager outlines the vision of the EWI transformation: for all countries to have a strong education workforce that is designed and supported to help those within collaborate with each other and with those outside the education system to achieve learning for all.
Education Workforce

Transforming the Education Workforce: Learning Teams for a Learning Generation

This major report offers new visions for strengthening, diversifying, and reimagining an education workforce that can deliver inclusive, quality education for all.
Education Workforce

Transforming the Education Workforce and COVID-19: Learning Teams

To build more robust capacity post-COVID, education systems should look at their education workforce holistically and leverage the existing expertise and experience of their leaders, support staff, and communities in a learning team approach that can facilitate quality education for all children. Read the first in a series of notes on Transforming the Education Workforce and COVID-19.
Education Workforce

Transforming the Education Workforce and COVID-19: Leadership

The COVID-19 crisis forced countries to strategize how to accelerate the transformation of education systems to be more resilient and flexible. Strong leaders are needed to drive this transformation. Read the second in a series of briefs on Transforming the Education Workforce and COVID-19.
Education Workforce

Change agents Emerging evidence on instructional leadership at the middle tier

A joint publication with EdDevTrust and IIEP-UNESCO, that outlines the change agents at the middle-tier of education systems
Education Workforce

Teachers and Beyond: A Mapping of Prominent Education Workforce Tools and Frameworks

Joint publication with the Global Partnership for Education. Teachers and Beyond: A Mapping of Prominent Education Workforce Tools and Frameworks
Education Workforce

Innovative Pedagogies Project: Policy brief

Read the brief resulting from work in Ghana, Kenya, and Rwanda to create greater action towards adopting inclusive, engaging, adaptive, and playful pedagogies
Education Workforce

Inclusive, engaging, and adaptive pedagogies rubric

A practical diagnostic tool for national stakeholders to assess existing pedagogies in their primary education systems and identify gaps and priorities to strengthen IEA pedagogies moving forward
Education Workforce

Leadership for Foundational Learning in Africa: Evidence and Considerations for the Future

Read this brief discussing the evidence-based reforms to improve school leadership and learning outcomes in Africa
Education Workforce

Foundational Learning & the Education Workforce: Global Evidence & Implications for Pakistan

Read the brief on foundational learning and the education workforce in Pakistan produced in partnership with Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government with support from UK Aid
Education Workforce

What Matters Most for Teacher Deployment? A case study of teacher preferences in Sierra Leone

The report explores what factors shape where teachers want to work in Sierra Leone. In doing so, it aims to better understand why the inequitable distribution of teachers persists in Sierra Leone and to generate evidence to inform future teacher deployment reforms.
Education Workforce

School Leaders’ Preferences on School Location In Sierra Leone An individual and school level study

This paper presents findings from a survey of school leaders' perceptions regarding what shapes school location preferences in Sierra Leone and the necessary incentives to address the imbalanced distribution of qualified teachers. This paper accompanies a qualitative inquiry on the same topic: What Matters Most for Teacher Deployment? A case study on teacher school choice preferences in Sierra Leone (McBurnie et al., 2022). Together with the qualitative study, our findings aim to address a gap in empirical evidence on equitable distribution in Sierra Leone and contribute to a growing literature on teachers’ preferences in low- and middle-income countries.
Education Workforce

Rwanda learning partnership report

At the height of the pandemic, WISE, the Education Commission, and Education Development Trust came together with the aim of generating new evidence on effective school and system leadership during COVID-19. This learning partnership approach helped close the gap between research and evidence, and policy and action. Learn more about the learning partnership approach to research.
Education Workforce

Bridging the Evidence to Policy Gap: A Learning Partnership Approach to Research

At the height of the pandemic, WISE, the Education Commission, and Education Development Trust came together with the aim of generating new evidence on effective school and system leadership during COVID-19. This learning partnership approach helped close the gap between research and evidence, and policy and action. Learn more about the learning partnership approach to research.
Education Workforce

Lebanon Policy Dialogue report 

This report shares key insights and evidence, including breakthrough approaches, to tackling common challenges in teacher allocation. It includes case studies of new technologies and innovation shared by international experts at a policy dialogue event in Lebanon. Read about innovations in teacher deployment and distribution.
Education Workforce

An Education Workforce to Support the Learning of Girls and Students from Marginalised Communities: Evidence-based Action Areas

Read the evidence overview for an education workforce to support the learning of girls and marginalized students, used to inform a Southeast Asia Policy Dialogue
Education Workforce

Sierra Leone research papers 

Innovative analysis for the education workforce: Sierra Leone research and policy papers.
The Education Workforce Initiative (EWI), funded by UK Aid, partnered with Fab Inc. and Sierra Leone’s Teaching Service Commission (TSC) to support strengthening the education workforce. The research and analysis applied a systemic lens across the workforce lifecycle, considering how to improve the supply and demand of teachers across Sierra Leone, but especially in the most disadvantaged areas.
The project worked adaptively and collaboratively with stakeholders across government, teacher unions, and development partners to produce a series of research and policy papers aimed at supporting both government policymaking and development partner activities. These five evidence papers covered key aspects of the education workforce: management; spatial analysis; supply and needs; recruitment and matching; and costed options.
Education Workforce

Sierra Leone flipbook 

Read about EWI’s analysis for the Teaching Service Commission to help improve the supply of qualified teachers in hard-to-reach areas 
Education Workforce

Ghana country report 

This report focuses on findings from a project supporting the Ghana Education Service (GES) to redesign the education workforce at all levels of the education system. Using an organization design approach, the project integrated structures, processes, and human capacity to address workforce issues and enhance the GES institutional reform. Read about redesigning the education workforce in Ghana.
Education Workforce

Sierra Leone country report 

This report describes outcomes from a project supporting the Teaching Service Commission in Sierra Leone to research, analyze, and propose solutions for critical education workforce issues, including improving the supply and demand of teachers in the most disadvantaged areas. Read about innovative education workforce analysis for more equitable education in Sierra Leone.
Education Workforce

Vietnam country report

This report outlines findings from the impact of a High Touch High Tech approach to grade 7 math and considers implications for the role of the teacher and other members of the workforce when leveraging technology. Read about the High Touch High Tech prototype in Vietnam.
System Delivery

Problem-solving in Education Reform: Evidence and Insights for Low- and Middle-income Countries

This paper examines how problem-solving approaches can support education reform in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Through case studies from South Africa, Brazil, and Ghana, it highlights the role of adaptive leadership, stakeholder engagement, and data-driven decision-making. The paper identifies knowledge gaps, particularly in sustainability and gender dynamics for further investigation.
System Delivery

Using Delivery Approaches to Improve Public Services: Education Sector Reforms in Tanzania, 2013-2023

This paper examines the question, "Under what conditions can reforms implemented under delivery unit approaches become institutionalized and sustainable?" It analyzes Tanzania’s Big Results Now (BRN) delivery unit, revealing that sustainability was more likely when reforms were integrated into ministry operations or supported by donors, influencing education governance at multiple levels.
System Delivery

System Delivery Overview

The System Delivery transformation is part of the Learning Generation Initiative (LGI), whose mission is to empower the people within and connected to education systems to enable all children to be learning within a generation. This 2-pager outlines the goal of the System Delivery transformation to support education systems to improve delivery through better prioritization, use of data, and problem-solving to achieve learning for all.
System Delivery

Deliberate Disrupters: Can Delivery Approaches Deliver Better Education Outcomes?

This report summarizes the effectiveness of delivery approaches and proposes a simple, three-part framework to help political leaders, policymakers, and practitioners plan, design, evaluate, and operate delivery approaches more effectively.
System Delivery

The Role of Delivery Approaches in Education Systems Reform: Evidence from a Multi-Country Study

This report synthesizes the findings of a multi-country, multi-team research project into the effectiveness of delivery approaches at improving education service delivery. The main countries studied were Ghana, Jordan, and Pakistan, with smaller studies in Sierra Leone and a soon-to-be-completed study in Tanzania. We also conducted a global mapping of the design and adoption of delivery approaches.
System Delivery

How Do Regions, Districts, and Schools Respond to the Introduction of a Delivery Approach? Evidence from Ghana

In 2018, the Ghana Ministry of Education adopted a delivery approach to deliver on the goals of its new 2018–2030 Education Strategic Plan. The approach was led by the National Education Reform Secretariat (NERS) and led to the implementation of national-level policies and better coordination across Ghana’s 17 national agencies, including the Ghana Education Service (GES). This report is focused on the introduction of a delivery approach at the subnational level by the GES with support from the National Education Reform Secretariat between 2021 and 2022. Drawing primarily on qualitative data collected in May and June 2022 in three regions, five districts, and ten primary or junior high schools (JHS) across Ghana, the study explores how Ghana’s delivery approach was received by sub-national-level actors and how new management practices interacted with and changed existing management practices and routines.
System Delivery

Management and Performance in Mid-Level Bureaucracies: Evidence from Ghanaian Education Districts

This paper studies mid-level bureaucracies: the organizations operating between the national and street levels that are commonly tasked with the implementation of sector plans. Our descriptive evidence points toward benefits from problem-solving practices over top-down accountability, raising policy considerations for Ghana’s current delivery approach and beyond.
System Delivery

Improving Service Delivery Via Top-Down Data-Driven Accountability: Reform Enactment of the Education Road Map in Pakistan

Driven by the global learning crisis, many countries are adopting approaches to help improve delivery and implementation of education reforms. This paper, Improving service delivery via top-down data-driven accountability: Reform enactment of the Education Road Map in Pakistan, contributes to the gaps in knowledge regarding the ways in which implementation of policy and effective reform solutions can be implemented at scale in the global South
System Delivery

Command and Can’t Control: An Evaluation of Centralized Accountability in the Public Sector

In this working paper, we explore the large-scale centralized accountability approach to managing education carried out at scale in Punjab, Pakistan. It delves into the challenges of enhancing public services through increased oversight, particularly in addressing measurement and incentive issues inherent to the public sector and examines the effectiveness of a centralized monitoring system as a case study to assess the viability of this approach.
System Delivery

The Accountability Paradox: Delivery Units in Jordan’s Education Sector

This study provides the first historical narrative of the development and evolution of delivery units in Jordan’s education sector between 2010 and 2019. Furthermore, the study investigates the interplay among delivery units, multiple accountabilities, results of reform efforts within this time period, and the political economy factors that either undermined or improved the progress toward the targeted goals.
System Delivery

A Case Study of the Sierra Leone Delivery Unit

The aim of this Sierra Leone policy note, A Case Study of the Sierra Leone Delivery Unit, is to help fill the evidence gap about delivery approaches by creating a better understanding of the practices of the Sierra Leone delivery unit at the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education. We hope this research is used to support policymakers around the world in how to use delivery approaches to improve policy implementation.
System Delivery

A Global Mapping of Delivery Approaches

DeliverEd undertook a systematic global mapping of delivery approaches worldwide. Read our analysis to understand the diversity in delivery approach design.
System Delivery

Policy Brief – The Challenge of Delivering for Learning

This policy brief outlines how different delivery approaches, referring to the institutional mechanisms or processes adopted by governments, are required to enhance their service delivery and policy implementation performance. The brief highlights how DeliverEd strives to mobilize a vibrant community focused on policy implementation, fostering knowledge exchange, and raising awareness about the imperative for more impactful global endeavors in achieving SDG 4.
System Delivery

Policy Brief – Design Choices for Delivery Approaches in Education

This policy brief underscores the importance of delivery approaches, which reshape management functions to prioritize outputs and outcomes over inputs and processes. It emphasizes that these approaches are context-dependent and can be tailored to suit diverse education systems.
System Delivery

Policy Brief – Delivery Approaches in Crisis or Conflict Situations

This policy brief highlights the profound impact of crises, such as natural disasters, conflicts, or pandemics, on education service delivery and quality, leading to significant learning setbacks, especially among vulnerable children. It emphasizes that delivery approaches, comprising five core functions, serve as institutional mechanisms for enhancing government performance in service delivery and policy implementation.
System Delivery

Delivery Approaches to Improving Policy Implementation:A Conceptual Framework

Learn how DeliverEd defines delivery approaches and the design choices available to policymakers who wish to use them.

School feeding and the Sustainable Development Goals

This report calls for urgent global action to expand school feeding programs to address childhood hunger and poverty while improving education outcomes. It sets out the case for a drive to expand the reach of programs in LICs and LMICs by providing two scenarios for expansion and associated cost estimates for delivery, as well as financing options for governments
School Health & Nutrition

School feeding and the Sustainable Development Goals

This report calls for urgent global action to expand school feeding programs to address childhood hunger and poverty while improving education outcomes. It sets out the case for a drive to expand the reach of programs in LICs and LMICs by providing two scenarios for expansion and associated cost estimates for delivery, as well as financing options for governments
School Health & Nutrition

DEBT SWAPS FOR SCHOOL MEALS: Opportunities and constraints

School meals programs offer proven benefits in health, nutrition, and education, especially for vulnerable children. Despite widespread political support, budget pressures and inflation threaten their sustainability. This study examines the potential of debt-for-food swaps to secure additional funding for these vital initiatives.
School Health & Nutrition

School Meals International Donor Analysis

As noted in its executive summary, this report looks at school meals “aid delivery through different windows, both to shed light on financial flows—and to explore discrepancies in the data.” It highlights the need for increased transparency and accountability in aid flows and suggests how the donor community can prioritize school feeding and maximize its impact on children’s lives.
School Health & Nutrition

School Health & Nutrition Overview

The School Health and Nutrition (SHN) transformation is part of the Learning Generation Initiative (LGI), whose mission is to empower the people within and connected to education systems to enable all children to be learning within a generation. This 2-pager outlines the goal of the SHN transformation, which is that governments prioritize investments in school health and nutrition to advance equitable access to education and learning for all.
School Health & Nutrition

Sustainable Financing Initiative (SFI) Concept Note

The Sustainable Financing Initiative (SFI) for School Health and Nutrition is one of the five initiatives under the School Meals Coalition and is hosted at the Learning Generation Initiative at EDC. Learn more about the aims, objectives, and plans for the SFI.
School Health & Nutrition

Offer of Support to Countries: Developing Sustainable Financing Strategies for National School Feeding Programs

This note details the offer of support to national governments willing to develop sustainable financing strategies for national school feeding programs that is provided by the Sustainable Financing Initiative for School Health and Nutrition (SFI) as part of the activities of the School Meals Coalition.
School Health & Nutrition

School Meals Programmes and the Education Crisis: A Financial Landscape Analysis (2022)

This briefing paper identifies a range of approaches for realizing the wider potential of school meal programs as an engine for food system reform.
School Health & Nutrition

Finance for school feeding: Unlocking opportunities for learning, nutrition, and food security (2022)

Policy brief prepared by the Sustainable Financing Initiative of the School Meals Coalition.
School Health & Nutrition

School Meal Programmes: A missing link in food systems reform (2023)

This briefing paper identifies a range of approaches for realizing the wider potential of school meal programs as an engine for food system reform.
School Health & Nutrition

SFI Country Case Study – Bangladesh (April 2022)

One of the Sustainable Finance Initiative's seven rapid country case studies studying the state of school meals programs.
School Health & Nutrition

SFI Country Case Study – Benin (April 2022)

One of the Sustainable Finance Initiative's seven rapid country case studies studying the state of school meals programs
School Health & Nutrition

SFI Country Case Study – Bolivia (April 2022)

One of the Sustainable Finance Initiative's seven rapid country case studies studying the state of school meals programs.
School Health & Nutrition

SFI Country Case Study – Guatemala (April 2022)

One of the Sustainable Finance Initiative's seven rapid country case studies studying the state of school meals programs
School Health & Nutrition

SFI Country Case Study – Rwanda (April 2022)

One of the Sustainable Finance Initiative's seven rapid country case studies studying the state of school meals programs
School Health & Nutrition

SFI Country Case Study – Senegal (April 2022)

One of the Sustainable Finance Initiative's seven rapid country case studies studying the state of school meals programs
School Health & Nutrition

SFI Country Case Study – Tanzania (April 2022)

One of the Sustainable Finance Initiative's seven rapid country case studies studying the state of school meals programs
School Health & Nutrition

Global Education Forum – Background Document for School Health and Nutrition (2021)

The Global Education Forum (GEF) was established in 2019 to address challenges in the education financing architecture and develop greater collaboration between and coordination of education donors, and to advocate for investment and the acceleration of progress towards SDG4. In this Action Memo, we consider proposals for more effective donor investment in school health and nutrition.
School Health & Nutrition

Global Education Forum – Investment Case for School Health and Nutrition (2022)

This is an invited memo prepared for the 2022 Spring Meeting of the Global Education Forum. It addresses the importance of the condition of children as a determinant of education outcomes, and specifically the role of school meals in addressing the well-being and learning of schoolchildren.
School Health & Nutrition

What Works – School Meals Programs (2023)

There is a significant—and growing—body of evidence that well-designed and effectively delivered school meal programs are a cost-effective and scalable means to build human capital, improve learning outcomes, and improve health and nutrition. Despite setbacks during the pandemic, school meals programs have remained one of the largest social safety nets in the world, with 418 million children now benefiting from programs, an increase of 30 million from the level prior to 2020. Policymakers are eager to utilize this lever for change, as evidenced by 76 national governments who have joined the School Meals Coalition since its creation in 2021.

Learning Generation Initiative Overview

The Learning Generation Initiative (LGI), formerly the Education Commission, is a global initiative hosted by the Education Development Center, encouraging greater progress on Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education - ensuring inclusive and quality education and promoting lifelong learning for all. This 2-pager outlines the vision and mission of LGI and an overview of our three transformations: Education Workforce, System Delivery, and School Health and Nutrition.

Read our first Learning Generation Initiative newsletter outlining our refreshed strategy and giving an update on our work since joining EDC

We’re pleased to share our strategy as we begin our journey as the Learning Generation Initiative and look to the future together.

The Learning Generation Report

The Learning Generation Report presents an action plan to deliver and finance an expansion of educational opportunity for more than 260 million children and youth who are not in school today.

Save Our Future: Averting an Education Catastrophe for the World’s Children

Save Our Future, a global coalition, rallied diverse voices amid the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the vital link between education and the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals.

Add Today Multiply Tomorrow: Building an Investment Case for Early Childhood Education

A report produced in partnership with UNICEF and the LEGO Foundation

Rewiring Education for People and Planet report

A report featuring six cross-sectoral, win-win solutions to transform education

Education for Climate Action: Why Education is Critical for Climate Progress

Read this publication on why education is critical for climate progress – produced in partnership with Educate Girls, EOF, Malala Fund, and BCG

GCA State and Trends in Adaptation Report 2022

A publication outlining how education is a heavily climate-impacted sector in Africa and the ways in which it is also a key building block of adaptive capacity.